
To the human being, eyesight is the most important sense as a reference for the reality he lives in.

Ours is a visual world. Image itself is, now more than ever, the head of information. We watch TV, cinema, through the computer screen, and even virtual reality. We see, we look, and we save those images in devices more everlasting than our own memory.

We use tools so others can see what we saw, and to see what time erased, not only from us but, maybe and always, from the material world we lived in. Fragmenting and processing the picture, we create, we express ourselves, we are a window open to the world, and a mirror in which we reflect ourselves through our own personal vision of wishes and dreams.

The problem arises when we’re not able to control all the technical stuff which allows us to capture and express. The technique overwhelms us. To prevent that, we have to spend part of our time learning how to operate the more sophisticated tools that we can work with, and how to control the pictures.

Once we've handled the tools, a whole world of possibilities opens to us in order to create, and this is our final target. El Fotómata will try to find in every student all the creative wills through photography. Learn, exercise, shake the soul so that our own abilities are born. Focus, aim, push outside our work, understanding that all of us have interesting or beautiful things to show or tell.

SEE WORKSHOPS Fletxa-talleres

castellano | english